I Watch The Kingman Franchise So You Don’t Have To: Kingsman: The Secret Service

I know that I missed a week I’m sorry, but hey…you’re still going to get your weekly blog so don’t worry. I can’t tell you when, but it’s going to happen. Maybe you’ll get two in a row! Anyway, for this blog Andrew and watched the Kingsman Franchise, which I have never seen before or heard of before until maybe one or two years ago. All I know about it is that it’s a spy-type of movie, which I sometimes like, it depends on the day really.

Kingsman: The Secret Service, 2014

This week, sorry I know I was late this week…or last week? I don’t know…last Saturday. Andrew and are watching the Kingsman Franchise, which I have never seen before or heard of before until maybe one or two years ago. It’s another spy movie, however this was a pretty cool spy movie. I usually like spy movies, but I gotta be in the mood for them if that makes sense. In short, the film follows “Eggsy” and his recruitment and training into a secret spy organization. So, without further ado, here is what you’re missing.

In 1997, probationary secret agent Lee Unwin sacrifices himself to save his superior, Harry Hart Harry is my guy. Blaming himself for Lee’s death, Harry returns to London and gives Lee’s young son Eggsy I dont know a medal engraved with an emergency assistance number.

Kingsmand: The Secret Service, 2014

Seventeen years later, Eggsy is a rebellious type of guy, having dropped out of training for the Royal Marines despite his intelligence and talent for gymnastics and parkour. Arrested for stealing a car, Eggsy calls the emergency number, leading Harry to arrange his release and subdue Eggsy’s abusive stepfather and his gang. Harry explains that he is a member of Kingsman, a private intelligence service founded by British elite who lost their heirs in World War I and put their money toward protecting the world; the organisation is named for the tailor shop in Savile Row used as a front for their operations. Very clever if you ask me

Harry, codename “Galahad”, nominates Eggsy to replace agent “Lancelot”, who was killed by the assassin Gazelle while trying to rescue radical climate change scientist Professor James Arnold from kidnappers. this movie came out in 2014 and it was more relevant today than it was in 2014 Kingsman’s technical support operative “Merlin” discovers Arnold working as though nothing has happened. Hart attempts to interrogate the professor at Imperial College London, but a microchip in Arnold’s neck explodes, killing him. The detonation signal is traced to Gazelle’s employer Richmond Valentine, a billionaire philanthropist who has offered everyone in the world SIM cards with free cellular and Internet access. Hart poses as another philanthropist to meet Valentine.

Kingsmand: The Secret Service, 2014

Eggsy befriends fellow Kingsman trainee Roxy, and endures Merlin’s he’s another agent by the way tests until they are the only candidates left. Eggsy refuses his final test — shooting a Pug puppy he was given to raise — and Roxy is named the new “Lancelot”. ugh whatever Harry learns of Valentine’s connection to a religious hate group and travels to their church in Kentucky, wearing glasses containing a video transceiver. As Eggsy watches Harry’s footage, Valentine triggers the SIM cards inside the church with a signal that causes the parishioners and Harry to become murderously violent. Harry is the only survivor, but is shot in the face by Valentine, apparently killing him. yeah this was not okay, I was very upset. VERY upset. And might I say that Harry DESTROYED everyone in that church.

Eggsy returns to Kingsman headquarters and notices that Chester “Arthur” King, Kingsman’s leader, has the same implantation scar on his neck as Professor Arnold. King reveals Valentine’s plan to transmit his violence-inducing signal worldwide, “culling” most of humanity to avert its extinction from global warming. Valentine has recruited various world leaders and wealthy elite to his cause, implanted with chips to protect them from the signal; those who refuse are held captive at his bunker, including Crown Princess Tilde of Sweden. King poisons Eggsy’s drink, but Eggsy switches glasses, letting King poison himself instead. dumb

Kingsman: The Secret Service, 2014

Eggsy, Merlin, and Roxy locate Valentine’s bunker, where many of his conspirators are gathered. Roxy pilots high-altitude balloons to break up Valentine’s satellite network, but he secures a replacement. Merlin flies to the bunker, where Eggsy masquerades as King but is discovered by failed Kingsman recruit Charlie Hesketh. Cornered by Valentine’s men, Merlin activates the implanted chips’ failsafe, killing the guards and conspirators as heads explode around the world. Valentine activates the signal, triggering worldwide pandemonium. Eggsy kills Gazelle and impales Valentine with one of Gazelle’s sharpened prosthetic blades, stopping the signal, and shares a sexual encounter with Princess Tilde. yes it was in fact, very sexual.

In a mid-credits scene, Eggsy, now the new “Galahad”, offers his mother and half-sister a new home, and prepares to take on his stepfather and his gang, just as Harry did. best part of the film. The end.

Kingsman: The Secret Service, 2014

Welp, there you have it. Another spy movie, that wasn’t like most spy movies, in my opinion anyway. These movies always make me wish I had the confidence to be a spy and do the things that they do, but you know, I don’t so I just sit behind this computer all day and write, which is fine too. This movie isn’t available to stream anywhere, I know annoying, so you’re going to have to rent it or buy it. The lesson I learned from this film: If you’re a troubled person, just become a spy.

Next movie: Kingsman: The Golden Circle