I Watch The Rocky Franchise So You Don’t Have To: Rocky

To those of you have seen these movies, you’re going to hate me, but I did not like this movie at all. Why? It was boring, made no sense and it had a disappointing ending. I honestly don’t understand what the hype is all about. For those who haven’t seen this movie and don’t like movies where you’re just watching someone live their life, then don’t waste your time watching this. That’s just my opinion though, if you want to give it a try, go for it, it’s not available to stream anywhere, so you can either buy it, rent it or illegally stream it. I’m really hoping that the next couple of movies are a lot better than this one.

Rocky, 1975

In 1975, the heavyweight boxing world champion, Apollo Creed, who I thought was a real person for some reason announces plans to hold a title bout in Philadelphia during the upcoming United States Bicentennial. However, he is informed five weeks from the fight date that his scheduled opponent Mac Lee Green is unable to compete due to an injured hand. With all other potential replacements booked up or otherwise unavailable, Creed decides to spice things up by giving a local contender a chance to challenge him. oh how thoughtful

Creed selects Rocky Balboa, an Italian journeyman southpaw boxer who fights primarily in small gyms and works as a collector for a loan shark. Rocky meets with promoter George Jergens assuming that Creed is seeking local sparring partners. Reluctant at first, Rocky eventually agrees to the fight which will pay him $150,000. Rocky undergoes several weeks of unorthodox training, such as using sides of beef as punching bags. His one friend who gives him access to the beef is super annoying and thought he was helping him even though Rocky had a trainer already. Also, this friend’s sister is the love interest and she’s extremly shy and barely talks throughout this movie, meaning we gotta listen to Rocky, mumble nonsense to her.

Rocky, 1975

Rocky is later approached by Mickey Goldmill, a former bantamweight fighter who turned trainer and whose gym Rocky frequents, about further training. Rocky is not willing initially, as Mickey has not shown much interest in helping him before and sees him as a wasted talent, but eventually Rocky accepts the offer.

Rocky begins to build a romantic relationship with Adrian Pennino, who is working part-time at the J&M Tropical Fish pet shop. Adrian’s brother and Rocky’s best friend, Paulie, helps Rocky get a date with his sister and offers to work as a corner man with him for the fight. Paulie becomes jealous of Rocky’s success, but Rocky placates him by agreeing to advertise the meat packing business where Paulie works as part of the upcoming fight. this is the guy I was talking about earlier. The night before the fight, a sleepless Rocky visits the Philadelphia Spectrum and begins to lose confidence. He confesses to Adrian that he does not believe he can win, but strives to go the distance against Creed, which no other fighter has done, to prove himself to everyone; if he can go the distance, he will not be just “another bum from the neighborhood.”

Rocky, 1975

On New Year’s Day, the fight is held with Creed making a dramatic entrance dressed as George Washington and then Uncle Sam. Taking advantage of his overconfidence, Rocky knocks him down in the first round—the first time that Creed has ever been knocked down. Humbled and worried, Creed takes Rocky more seriously for the rest of the fight, though his ego never fully fades. The fight goes on for the full fifteen rounds, with both combatants sustaining various injuries. Rocky, with hits to the head and swollen eyes, requires his right eyelid to be cut to restore his vision. Apollo, with internal bleeding and a broken rib, struggles to breathe. As the fight concludes, Creed’s superior skill is countered by Rocky’s apparently unlimited ability to absorb punches and his dogged refusal to go down. As the final bell sounds, with both fighters embracing each other, they promise each other there will be no rematch. This whole thing is the only entertaining thing in this whole movie.

After the fight, the sportscasters and the audience go wild. Jergens announces over the loudspeaker that the fight was “the greatest exhibition of guts and stamina in the history of the ring”, and Rocky calls out repeatedly for Adrian, who runs down and comes into the ring. As Jergens declares Creed the winner by virtue of a split decision, Rocky and Adrian embrace and profess their love for each other, not caring about the outcome of the fight. Which he loses, and I mean I guess that’s fine, but like, I watched this whole movie to watch him lose? I don’t know. The end.

Rocky, 1975

In my own personal opinion, this movie wasn’t good at all. I barely paid attention, I was constantly bored and I kept checking to see how much time was left in the movie. A lot of people like this movie, which is why I recommend to give it a go if you’re still a little skeptical. If you’re anything like me, just skip it, you won’t like it. However, that doesn’t mean I won’t be watching the rest of the franchise. The lesson I learned from this film is: If you want to film a movie based on your life, go for it, apparently everyone will love it.

Next movie: Rocky II

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