I Watch The Child’s Play Franchise So You Don’t Have To: Child’s Play 2

So after Andrew watched the first Child’s Play movie, I decided to watch the second one with him because it didn’t seem as scary as I thought it was, however it was still a little creepy, you know with the whole doll coming to life sort of thing. Gab is not a fan of that. This movie actually went by pretty fast, for me at least, and I feel like you don’t really have to watch the first one to understand what is going on because it’s a whole separate plot just with the same little boy. In this movie, the plot follows Charles Lee Ray, better known as Chucky, continuing his pursuit for Andy Barclay, who was placed in foster care, and transferring his soul into him after being resurrected. Anyway, here is what Child’s Play 2 is all about.

Child’s Play 2, 1990

Two years after the first film, the Play Pals Corporation, which produces the Good Guy dolls, recovers from the negative publicity and reassembles Chucky to reassure its stockholders that there was nothing actually wrong with the doll. During the process, a power surge electrocutes one of the assembly line workers. oh yeah that’s what it was Mr. Sullivan, the executive of the company, orders his assistant Mattson to cover up the accident and dispose of Chucky, unaware that he has been revived.

Meanwhile, Andy Barclay, now eight years old, has been in foster care ever since the murders, his mother having been institutionalized for backing up Andy’s story about the killer doll. Andy goes to live with foster parents Phil and Joanne Simpson, who are also fostering Kyle, a cynical, street smart teenage girl. Chucky discovers Andy’s whereabouts by using Mattson’s car phone to call Grace Poole, the manager of Andy’s foster center, before suffocating Mattson with a plastic bag.

Child’s Play, 1990

Chucky invades the home by destroying and burying another Good Guy doll called “Tommy” and replacing it with himself. Andy begins to bond with Kyle after the two are punished for an heriloom Chucky destroyed. That night, Chucky ties Andy to his bed and reveals himself, but Kyle enters the room before he can complete the voodoo chant to possess him. Kyle doesn’t believe Andy’s assertions about Chucky while Phil and Joanne blame Kyle and throw Chucky in the basement. Can I just say, if some little kid started telling me that a doll came to life and was trying to kill him or whatever, there would be not a doubt in my mind that that kid was telling the truth. I am NOT making the same mistakes everyone else makes I will be prepared. Chucky realizes that he is becoming human after suffering a nosebleed. The next day, Chucky secretly follows Andy to school and defaces his homework. Chucky kills Andy’s teacher Miss Kettlewell by stabbing her with a pump and then beating her to death with a yardstick, but Andy manages to escape. Later, Andy tries to warn his foster parents about Chucky, but Phil refuses to believe him and considers returning him to the foster center. This is what I mean, you gotta believe him bro, take him to a therapist just in case, but make sure there is no doubt because kids can see everything.

That night, Andy sneaks into the basement to destroy Chucky with an electric knife, but the doll overpowers him. I don’t get this, this guy is a doll Andy should be able to just stand up and swing this doll into the air. I guess it makes sense for Chucky’s human strength to come into play, but I don’t know. When Phil arrives to investigate the commotion, Chucky trips him, causing Phil to fall and break his neck. Joanne immediately blames Andy and sends him back to the foster center. Oh yeah, Andy is capable of that. Kyle discovers “Tommy” buried outside and realizes Andy was telling the truth all along. She rushes to warn Joanne, only to discover that Chucky has already killed her. Chucky ambushes Kyle and forces her to drive him to the foster center. There, Chucky clears the building by pulling the fire alarm. He stabs Grace to death and forces Andy to take him to the Play Pals factory to perform the voodoo chant. Kyle pursues them to the factory but is unable to find them before Chucky knocks Andy unconscious and completes the ritual.

Child’s Play 2, 1990

However, the spell fails as Chucky has spent too much time in his doll body and is now permanently trapped. ha. Infuriated, Chucky chases Andy and Kyle through the factory, intent on killing them both. Kyle slams a gate shut on Chucky’s hand, which Chucky tears off and replaces with a makeshift blade. After Chucky murders a factory technician, Kyle and Andy manage to trap him in a giant assembly line machine that mutilates his body, appearing to kill him. However, Chucky manages to escape the machine by cutting off his own legs and attacks again, knocking out Kyle. Andy is able to defeat him a second time by opening a valve, showering Chucky with a lethal amount of hot molten plastic. After saving the unconscious Kyle from a conveyor belt, the two approach the half-melted Chucky, who suddenly attacks them again. geez this guy just doesn’t give up, like it’s over dude.

During the struggle, Kyle shoves a high-pressure air hose into his mouth, inflating his head until it explodes, killing him. Andy and Kyle exit the factory, unsure of where to go. The end.

Child’s Play, 1990

This movie is pretty intense and it frustates me how annoying these adults are with not listening to this kid. I understand why they don’t believe him, but I still would have taken what the kid said into consideration, I mean what other reasons would there be other than attention that this boy thinks a doll is trying to kill him. I don’t know that’s just me. The lesson I obviously learned from this film: believe children.

Next movie: Child’s Play 3

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