I Watch The Avatar Franchise So You Don’t Have To: Avatar

If you’re confused by the title because there is only one Avatar movie out with the sequel on the way, then just know that 20th Century Fox is planning to make five Avatar movies. I know, five, it’s a lot. We went from one movie in 2009, to now five in the next couple of years. I’ve seen this movie a couple of times and I thought it was pretty good. I don’t understand the hype everyone gives it, but I have to say the visuals are really pretty and the whole story is very interesting and unique. Andrew and I are planning to go to Disney at some point in our lives and Pandora will definitley be on the list of places to visit. If you haven’t seen the movie or want a refresher for the sequel, here is what happened in the 2009 film Avatar. And no this is not Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Avatar, 2009

We’re in the year 2154, so most of us are long gone by now and the humans have depleted Earth’s natural resources, leading to a severe energy crisis. not suprising we did this. The Resources Development Administration (RDA) mines a valuable mineral called unobtainium on Pandora, a densly forested havitable moon orbiting Polyphemus, a fictional gas giant in the Alpha Centauri star system. so literally somewhere COMPLETELY out of our reach because wow did they pull that out of their ass. Pandora, whose atmosphere is poisionous to humans, is inhabited by the Na’vi, a species of 10 foot-tall, blue-skinned, sapient humanoids that live in harmony with nature and worship a mother goddess named Eywa. I’m going to say right now that to me, this was a VERY modern Pocahontas and maybe you’ll understand why as I go on, but if not, I’ll try to point certain things out. First is the humans (Britian) going/discovering a new world (America) or in this case Pandora.

To explore Pandora’s biosphere, scientits use Na’vi-human hybrids called “avatars”, operated by genetically matched humans. Jake Sully, a paraplegic former Marine, our John Smith of the story replaces his deceased identical twin brother as an operator of one. Dr. Grace Augstine, head of the Avatar Program, considers Sully an inadequate replacement but accepts his assignment as a bodyguard. While escorting the avatars of Grace and fellow scientist Dr. Norm Spellman, Jake’s avatar is attacked by a thanator and flees into the forest, where he is rescued by Neytiri, a female Na’vi. Now entering Pocahontas. Witnessing an auspicious sign, she takes him to her clan. Neytiri’s mother Mo’at, the clan’s spiritual leader, orders her daughter to initaite Jake into their society.

Avatar, 2009

Colonel Miles Quaritch, head of RDA’s private security force, John Ratcliffe promises Jake that the company will restore his legs if he gathers information about the Na’vi and the clan’s gathering place, a giant tree called Hometree, which stands above the richest deposit of unobtanium in the area. Literally Grandmother Willow. When Grace learns of this, she transfers herself, Jake, and Norm to an outpost. Over the following three months, Jake and Neytiri fall in love as Jake grows to sympathize with the natives. After Jake is initiated into the tribe, he and Neytiri choose each other as mates. Soon afterward, Jake reveals his change of allegiance when he attempts to disable a bulldozer that threatens to destroy a sacred Na’vi site. When Quaritch shows a video recording of Jake’s attack on the bulldozer to Administator Parker Selfridge, and another in which Jake admits that the Na’vi will never abandon Hometree, Selfridge orders Hometree destroyed. Stupid, like how does that make sense. They’re never going to leave, an even better reason to destory it.

Despite Grace’s argument that destroying Hometree could damage the biological neural network native to Pandora, Selfridge gives Jake and Grace one hour to convince the Na’vi to evacuate before commencing the attack. Jake confesses to the Na’vi that he was a spy, and they take him and Grace captive. See I wouldn’t have done this. I would have lied and said like “oh they wanted me to learn your ways, I didn’t know this would happen, I just found out” like I don’t know why he would risk their trust during such a crucial time, but who am I, I don’t know anything. Quaritch’s men destroy Hometree, killing Neytiri’s father (the clan chief) once again, just like Pocahontas’ he was the chief, except he doesn’t die. and many others. Mo’at frees Jake and Grace, but they are detached from their avatars and imprisoned by Quaritch’s forces. Pilot Trudy Chacon, disgusted by Quartich’s brutality, frees Jake, Grace, and Norm and airlifts them to Grace’s outpost, but Grace is shot by Quaritch during the escape.

Avatar, 2009

To regain the Na’vi’s trust, Jake connects his mind to that of Toruk, a dragon-like predator feared and honored by the Na’vi. Jake finds the refugees at the sacred Tree of Souls and pleads with Mo’at to heal Grace. The clan attempts to transfer Grace from her human body into her avatar with the aid of the Tree of Souls, but she dies before the process can be completed. Supported by the new chief Tsu’tey, Jake unites the clan and tells them to gather all of the clans to battle the RDA. Quaritch organizes a preemptive strike against the Tree of Souls, believing that it’s destruction will demoralize the natives. On the eve of battle, Jake prays to Eywa, via a neural connection with the Tree of Souls, to intercede on behalf of the Na’vi.

During the subsequent battle, the Na’vi suffer heavy casualities, including Tsu’tey and Trudy, but are rescued when Pandoran wildlife unexpectedly join the attack and overwhelm the humans, which Neytiri interprets as Ewya’s answer to Jake’s prayer. Jake destroys a makeshift bomber before it can reach the Tree of Souls; Quaritch, wearing an AMP suit, escapes from his own damaged aircraft and later finds and breaks open the avatar link unit containing Jake’s human body, exposing it to Pandora’s poisonous atmosphere. Quaritch prepares to slit the throat of Jake’s avatar, but Neytiri kills Quaritch and saves Jake from suffocation, seeing his human form for the first time.

Avatar, 2009

With the exceptions of Jake, Norm, and a select few others, all humans are expelled from Pandora and sent back to Earth. Jake is permanently transferred into his avatar with the aid of the Tree of Souls. The end.

So, if you understood what I meant when I said this was similiar to Pocahontas, then cool. Glad you saw it my way. I recommend checking out the film if you haven’t seen it for the visual aspect of it, because it really is amazing, it’s available on Disney+. The lesson I learned from this film: listen to the scientists, they know what they’re talking about especially when it comes to a species we know nothing about.

Next movie: Avatar: The Way of Water

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