Andrew Watches The Child’s Play Franchise So You Don’t Have To: Child’s Play

By the title of this post, you’re probably thinking two things: one: Who’s Andrew? and two: Why is he in the title? Well to answer your questions, Andrew is my boyfriend and he is quite the movie goer. He has seen a lot more movies than I have and he’s got quite a lot to say. He’s also the one who has been on this “watching every movie franchise” journey with me. However, for those who don’t know me I HATE scary movies and I know some of you are probably thinking “this isn’t a scary movie”, but to me, if this movie has potential to make me not sleep at night I will happily pass. So Andrew will be taking over all of the horror franchises so us scaredy cats don’t have to. See what I did there? Well, anyway here’s Andrew and here is what happens in Child’s Play. Child's Play : Catherine Hicks, Chris Sarandon, Alex Vincent,  Brad Dourif, Dinah Manoff, Tommy Swerdlow, Jack Colvin, Neil Giuntoli, Juan  Ramírez, Alan Wilder, Richard Baird, Ray Oliver, Tom Holland, Barrie M.
Child’s Play, 1988

So, Child’s Play starts off with some guy, whose name winds up being Charles or Chucky,  running from the cops. This guy, who we find out is a murderer when the officer chasing him calls him “The Strangler,” is running towards a getaway car. Well the getaway driver hears the cops coming and leaves without our boy the Strangler. Charles continues running from the police and heads into a toy shop filled with these new dolls called the Good Guys pretty ironic given what happens in the rest of the film. The cop follows him into the store and gets a shot off at Charles, nailing him right in the stomach. So then Charles goes on about how he’s gonna get revenge on the cop that shot him and his getaway driver until he grabs one of these dolls and performs some satanic ritual on it to transport his soul into the thing. After this crazy-ness, we cut to a kid watching the Good Guys cartoon, quite the transition.

The kid proceeds to make his mom, Karen, breakfast in bed, which consists of a ridiculously large bowl of cereal with a horrific amount of sugar, two pieces of burnt toast, an enormous spoonful of butter and a cup of orange juice. The kid’s name is Andy and it turns out it’s his birthday. His mom got him a pair of jeans and a Good Guys tool set. Andy’s pretty upset about it cause all he wants in the world is a Good Guys doll, but his mom can’t afford it. Normally I’d get angry about the kid not being appreciative but Andy seems pretty young so I don’t think he understands the concept of money just yet. Anywho, after this display of disappointment, Karen finds out from her friend that some hobo outside her job just so happens to be selling a Good Guys doll. What a coincidence. Karen just has to have it so she buys it for 30 bucks and surprises her son with the doll when she gets home from work.

Child's Play (1988) — Keep Screaming
Child’s Play, 1988

Andy is thrilled and he rips it open and shows his mom how the doll works. Let me tell you, this thing is f*cking creepy. He greets the doll and tells it his name, the doll blinks and says “Hi, my name’s Chucky and I’m your friend to the end.” All I can say is, f*ck that. After this it fast forwards to Andy being watched by his mom’s friend, Maggie, and she’s watching the news. This movie really cuts right to the weird sh*t cause while the news is on, Chucky f*ckin TURNS HIS HEAD TO WATCH!

After this happens, Maggie sends Andy to bed with Chucky and then goes back to doing whatever she’s gotta do. But shortly after, she hears the TV click on and what do ya know? Chucky’s watchin the TV. Right there is when I woulda said goodbye to that doll and called it a day but naturally Maggie suspects nothing of the doll and blames Andy who was in the bathroom the whole time. After all this unfolds and Andy’s put back to bed, we’re put into the first person view of someone small running through the house and we’re meant to assume it’s Andy but I think we all know who it really is. This is the first time Chucky strikes, Maggie goes lookin around to inspect the sound and when she least expects it, she gets hit in the face with a hammer and stumbles out the window of the apartment. This is about 20 minutes into the movie. Wtf.

Hallowe'en Gifs — sandyfrinks: Hi, I'm Chucky. Wanna Play? |...
Child’s Play 1988

The cops show up to investigate and they find small footprints in some kind of powder. It’s clear from here that the detective thinks Andy killed Maggie and Chucky is most likely trying to frame him. Andy tells his mom that Chucky’s been talking to him. This is when we find out Chucky’s real name is Charles Lee Ray and he’s telling Andy that he was sent down from heaven to protect him. Karen, of course, doesn’t believe him. I don’t understand it, I really don’t, I don’t care who you are, if someone gets killed in your apartment and then you hear all that sh*t from your throw out the d*mn doll. No questions asked. Anyway, after all this good stuff Chucky goes on to kill his getaway driver, Eddie, leading the police to again believe that it was Andy who committed the murder.

Shortly after this when we find out that Chucky’s f*cking batteries have not been put in yet. He’s been talking to Andy this whole time and moving around. Without. Batteries. It’s game over at this point, Karen shoulda got rid of him when all this sh*t started but now Chucky knows that she knows. Big shocker here folks, Chucky attacks Karen and I gotta say, for the time that this movie came out, the effects aren’t too bad. Chucky doesn’t kill her though, he instead runs out of the apartment and heads down the elevator into the outside world. As it turns out, the cop that’s been investigating the murders is the same cop that “killed” Charles Lee Ray. Which means my boy is next on the list.

Child's Play (1988) | kalafudra's Stuff
Child’s Play, 1988

Chucky attacks the detective, who he calls Mikey, but Mike successfully fights him off. Now that he’s seen it first hand, the detective starts hunting the doll with Karen. Chucky proceeds to murder the man he learned all this dark magic bullsh*t from. This is where he learns that in order to get out of the doll, he has to transfer his soul into the first human he revealed himself to, that person being Andy. While all this is happening, Andy’s been locked in a psychiatric hospital so Chucky heads on over there, kills Andy’s doctor and chases Andy back home in an attempt to catch him and perform the ritual. I

n the “final fight” of this film, Chucky almost succeeds in taking over Andy’s body but he’s interrupted by Karen and Mike which ultimately leads to the most badass line in the movie delivered by Andy himself: “This IS the end, friend.” After which he proceeds to light Chucky on fire, but even this doesn’t kill the doll. Karen winds up shooting off several of the doll‘s limbs, including its head, and then sending two more bullets through its back. Guess what though, Chucky’s still alive.

Prime Video: Child's Play
Child’s Play

The detective FINALLY finishes him off by putting a bullet right through our pal Chucky’s heart. The film ends with Andy, his mom, the detective and his partner heading to the hospital. Overall I’d say this was a pretty great movie and it definitely deserves its place among the classics. Just do yourself a favor, stay away from dolls like the Good Guys. Stay. Away.

Next movie: Child’s Play 2

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